Since you don't have to download anything, the process is faster than the previous one.
We leave the ISO option selected and then we press the button with the three dots to find the ISO image of the distribution that we want to use. The second option, the one I personally prefer, is to check the Image Disk option. If we have a slow connection, the creation can exceed the hour. It will take quite a few minutes as Unetbootin will download the ISO image and then create the flash drive. Then the process of creating the bootable pendrive will begin. In the first option (which will be marked by default), Distribution, we have to select the Distribution that we want to download, then the version we want and then we have to go to the bottom in Type, where We will select USB Drive and in Drive we mark the drive that our distribution has assigned to the pendrive. After executing a single screen like this will appear.

Popular distributions can be downloaded through the Unetbootin program but if we want to record a modern version of a distribution or a distribution that is not within the application list, such as Manjaro. We will also need the ISO image of the distribution that we want to burn. As usual It is recommended to have a pendrive of at least 4 Gb of capacityalthough you can burn a business card size ISO image that requires a smaller capacity.
evidently we need a pendrive where to install the ISO image of the distribution. If we install Unetbootin on a Gnu / Linux distribution, the first thing we will need is have an internet connection. To use Unetbootin correctly we need certain elements for the result to be correct. With this we will have e The Unetbootin program installed on our Gnu / Linux distribution but it will not be the only thing we need to be able to use this program correctly and create a bootable USB. If we use Arch Linux or its derivatives, then we can install Unetbootin with the following command: pacman -S unetbootinĪnd in OpenSUSE We have to write the following to install Unetbootin: If, on the other hand, we have another distribution like fedora, then we have to do the following: sudo dnf install unetbootin But this is not in the current versions of Ubuntu and if we want to install it we have to open the terminal and write the following: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gezakovacs/ppa This makes users aware of this program to create bootable pendrives with versions of Ubuntu or other distributions. By default, Unetbootin has been present in Ubuntu and in all its official flavors. But, the success of Unetbootin lies in its installation. Unetbootin has an official website that will allow us to download the installation program and install it in our Gnu / Linux distribution as well as in any operating system. Unetbootin allows you to do all this, but also It helps us download the latest version of the ISO image and save it to the pendrive without having to go to the official website or search the image through our archives. If we only want to use the USB as a drive to install the distribution, having or not having persistence is not important but if we want to use the ISO Image as LiveCD, then persistence will help us save the documents that we create when working with the liveCD as well as the configurations that we make to the LiveCD. Persistence is the configuration that allows us to use part of the USB storage in those units that have an ISO image recorded from a Gnu / Linux distribution. Unetbootin is one of many programs that perform these operations, but it is true that unlike other programs, Unetbootin allows persistence on the USB drive.

Unetbootin is a free program that allows us to burn any ISO image of any Gnu / Linux distribution on any pendrive. 5 What alternatives are there to Unetbootin?.